Operation Love: ReUnited
Operation: Love ReUnited: is a non-profit, fully volunteer organization that offers professional photography sessions to military families and members who are getting ready to deploy, who are currently deployed, or those who are coming home.
Each participating family or member may receive two sessions per deployment. The first session is a choice of a) Pre-Deployment with the service member, 2) Saying Goodbye – documentary style at the farewell location, 3) Mid-Deployment where the service member has already deployed, or 4) R&R during the deployed members mid-deploy break. The second session is always and only during the Homecoming, which is documentary style and done at the actual homecoming time and location. Post-Homecoming sessions are not allowed. ALL sessions shall follow a patriotic theme. Pre-Deployment and Mid-Deployment sessions shall include a uniformed service member with the option to change clothes later in the session.

The Gift: 2 Waived Session Fees per deployment. If a Pre-Deployment, Mid-Deployment, or R&R Session was done, a minimum 4×6 album of at least 15 images will be sent overseas to the deployed service member for an extra special boost of moral. If a Saying Goodbye or Homecoming session was done, the service member and/or family will receive a 4×6 album of at least 15 documentary style images
You also have the option, as a separate transaction, of purchasing your images on CD or having prints made for family use. All OpLove Gifts go directly to the service member.
Please contact me to request a session. The following link is to the online form you will need to fill out. OpLove Session Form